When I first heard “TinEye.com” mentioned my reply to my technologically capable client who was telling me about it was “what the heck are you talking about?” He looked quite surprised that he would know and regularly use something like this and I did not. I had not even heard of it which is what surprised me. Just a few days earlier I had thought while working on some images for a project that “Gee I really could use a reverse images search”, something that would help me find higher resolution versions of what I was working with. I pretty much rely on google for that so I didn’t go looking for anything more. Well TinEye.com provides it and for free from what I can tell – they have a searchable database that includes the libraries of all online stock photography pproviders…
My client tried to explain it like this “You know how someone is said to have a tin ear? Well this is like that but ‘tin eye’…” Yeah. It doesnt make sense to me either but the service is cool… http://www.TinEye.com