I have been making websites for 25 years. I started back when Netscape was the browser of choice. I actually got my start working with Microsofts First user interface designer and a man who helped define the computer based training industry.
My first website was for a training program for doctors who were to learn a proprietary method of how to treat chronic long term wounds. We needed a way to distribute and present photos and videos of the procedures and their outcomes. Yuck. I did a proof of concept for the training over the course of a weekend and the training program via the web was green lit on Tuesday with a budget of almost a million dollars. Our team effort won us first prize at the New York festival in the first year they included a category for interactive media.
As the industry grew I struck out on my own a year later and have been an independent developer and consultant ever since.
In working for so many clients over the years – from corporations to non profits and small boutique business – One consistent thing I have found is that my customers want to know how to manage their own site but are usually happier when someone else is is in charge of updating WordPress and plugins and creating Graphics as needed.